Cub Scout Ranks


On the Cub Scout advancement trail, a child progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as they go. As they go, the requirements get more challenging to match their new skills and abilities. Cub Scout advancement includes a wide range of group and individual activities kids enjoy. Nearly all of a Scout's rank requirements are completed through regularly planned den meetings.

Pack 825 Den Leaders are adult volunteers who work hard to plan, organize, and lead the individual requirements needed for each Cub Scout to complete adventures and achieve their next rank by the end of each school year.


More importantly, the activities are carefully selected to encourage moral, physical, and intellectual development.


Beginning June 2024: Cub Scout Adventures have been enhanced to make it easier to deliver the program to multi-rank dens or as a Pack. To earn each rank in Cub Scouting, a Cub Scout must complete six required Adventures and two elective Adventures. The required Adventures reflect the aims and focus areas of the BSA, while the number of elective Adventures has increased.


Webelos and Arrow of Light will be separate, distinct ranks. Webelos will become the 4th-grade program in Cub Scouting. Arrow of Light will become a stand-alone rank for 5th graders and will no longer be associated with Webelos. The Arrow of Light program will prepare Cub Scouts to join Scouts BSA.




The Lion Cub program has exciting indoor and outdoor activities specifically designed for Kindergarten-aged youth and their parent/guardian. Parents/Guardians support and guide Scouts throughout the experience. At the conclusion of their Kindergarten year and their completion of all rank requirements, Lion Cubs transition to Tiger Cubs.








The Tiger rank is for youth entering First Grade or 7 years old. To earn the Tiger badge, a youth must complete six required adventures with the den or family and two elective adventures of the den or family's choosing. After earning Tiger, a Cub Scout can work on any and all remaining Tiger electives until they finish first grade or turn 8 years old.








The Wolf rank is for Cub Scouts entering Second Grade or who are 8 years old. To earn the Wolf badge, a Cub Scout must complete six required adventures and two elective adventures, similar to the Tiger rank. After earning the Wolf badge, a Wolf Scout can work on any and all remaining Wolf electives until they finish second grade or turn 9 years old.








The Bear rank is for youth entering Third Grade or who are 9 years old. To earn the Bear badge, a youth must complete six required adventures and two elective adventures of the den or family's choosing. After earning the Bear badge, a Bear Scout can work on any and all remaining Bear electives until they finish third grade or turn 10 years old.







Webelos dens are for youth entering Fourth Grade or who are 10 years old. Webelos Scouts get to work on the six required Webelos adventures and, as a den or family, choose two elective adventures for the Webelos rank. After completing all required and elective adventures, a youth will earn the Webelos badge.


After earning the Webelos badge, a Scout can work on the remaining Webelos electives until they finish fourth grade or turn 11 years old.







The highest rank in Cub Scouting is the Arrow of Light, preparing a Webelos Scout to become a member of Scouts BSA. Scouts must complete six required adventures and two elective adventures to earn the Arrow of Light rank.


After a Scout has earned the Arrow of Light badge, they're ready to join a Scouting America Troop! The Arrow of Light is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on the Scouting America uniform. Adult leaders who earned the Arrow of Light rank may also show their achievement by wearing a special square knot on their uniform.