Community Service

As a pack, we believe that community service is not simply an activity to check a box. Scouting is a commitment to "help other people at all times." When we do a service, we live out the Scout Oath and the Scout Law while learning to work together with others to serve our community.


While a Scout should do their best to help other people every day, a group service project is a bigger way to help people. 


Whether it's a creek cleanup, a donation drive, helping our charter organization St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, making sandwiches at Feed The City events, or participating in the City of Allen's annual Christmas parade, we all share a responsibility to help those around us who need it.


Pack 825 sponsors at least two community service projects annually. We might get a little dirty along the way, but remember: a Scout is helpful, and there is no better feeling than knowing you've helped someone in need!