Arrow of Light Crossover Ceremony
Every spring, Pack 825 hosts our annual Blue & Gold Banquet, and part of that involves our Crossover Ceremony. At crossover, pack leadership recognizes Scouts in 5th grade who have completed their Arrow of Light rank and thus have also reached the pinnacle of their Cub Scouting journey.
The Arrow of Light symbol is made up of an arrow that points the way to a good life and a rising sun that symbolizes the constant new challenges provided by Scouting and by life itself. The seven rays represent important life virtues. You will find that living by these seven virtues can lead to a happy life.
In our pack, we symbolize the end of Cub Scouting and the beginning of Boy Scouting, as each Scout crosses over our ceremonial bridge from our pack to a Boy Scout troop. The bridge symbolizes taking the first step on the trail to Eagle Scout, the highest and most prestigious rank in all of Scouting. This trail will take you through learning new skills of Scouting, leadership, and self-discovery.
While we strongly encourage it, not all Cub Scouts complete their Arrow of Light rank, and not all Scouts choose not to continue their journey into Boy Scouts.
Do Your Best!